Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Player Characters

Team Murder Hobo

Crugeon Darkeyes

A tiefling blooded rogue and all around squishy guy. Served as an informant for the Hommlet guard.


A wood elf fighter found in a tavern in Hommlet. Joined the group to replace Thorian Jotuun on the front line.


An aasimar blooded Cleric of Pelor who is ignorant of all things undead. Met in the Moathouse dungeon.

Osborne Topplepeak

A deep halfling druid and his wolf Rosco. Recruited into the group in Hommlet to keep balance.
Osborne's deepest thoughts and caffeine induced musings can be found  over here.

Ulfgar Ungart

A dwarven runesmith wizard. Also recruited in Hommlet for his knowledge and skill.
Ulfgar's journal and thoughts can be found right over here.


An elven wizard, also proficient with a longsword. Dhaos' story can be found right here.

Thorian Jotuun

A guardsman in Hommlet who formed the group to investigate cult activity in the area surrounding Hommlet. Since returning to town from the Moathouse, Thorian has since returned to his duties in the town.

Character Sheets are available here:

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