Osborne's Musings

The musings of Osborne Topplepeak (and Rosco)...actually the thoughts of Roscoe the wolf (transcribed by the naturalist, Osborne Topplepeak)

Roscoe says:

This group Team Murder Hobo aka TMH is an motley pack of individuals that have been drawn together to find out what is happening to the animals and natural surroundings of Homlet...our "home".  How to describe them...well...grrrrr...howl!  <something was lost in translation>

Better yet, let me tell you about them...

Thorian Jotuun:  Some of them called him "Sarge", he smelled of barracks and law.  He was constantly cleaning his armor and weapons...but was an alpha and helped form TMH.  I was sad to see him return to his duties in the stinky town, he always gave me his scraps and never treated me as anything but a member of TMH.

Crugeon "fluffy pants" Darkeyes:  He smells of brimstone and has an unnatural way about him...I am wary of his presence and have warned anyone that will listen.  He is the scout, spy, decently sneaky, fighty guy of the team...his blades are not as sharp as my teeth, but he wields them quite well, gotta be careful though when he starts swinging...ruff, grrrrowwwl...He better watch out on his comments on my friend, Osborne...or he may awaken with a wet bedroll and teethmarks in his armor...  He is alright in the group though, until he calls me a "DOG"...REALLY a common DOG!!  REALLY...GRROOOOWWWWLLL...BARK...HOWWWWL... <sorry about that outburst, he tends to lose his temper>

Elspeth:  She is an angelic looking woman that smells of goodness...she is always smiling and has a good way about her.  She is the healer and voice of the heavens...her god Pelor has blessed her with enchantments and cantrips that help on the team in battle and at rest.  She joined TMH after we had been in the wilderness for a moon or two...the group is better for having her and my friend, Osborne, doesn't complain about having to heal everyone. <I am a naturalist...not a cleric!>

Ulfgar Ungaaart:  A armor wearing small man that casts spells...I know I was shocked too!  He smells of the arcane, things I know nothing of and I know he has a weasel....I smell him but have never seen him.  I will have to find that tasty snack sometime when he is sleeping...  UU as I call him is a master wizard and conjures all sorts of debilitating hexes and spells, but he also fancies himself as an ax swinger, being taller than Osborne, (it doesn't take too much to be taller than him) he is quite effective. <hey, that's not nice...I am one of the tallest of the Topplepeak Clan> UU is a calculating and intelligent tactician.

Ellewinde:  She smells of battle and confidence...she wields a sword bigger than Osborne is tall <AGAIN, not nice> and swings it wildly in battle.  She is the newest member of TMH and has stepped into the role quite well, I will add more as I see her in battle but she seems to be fearless!

Osborne Topplepeak:  My friend and companion, he and I keep each other safe and sound.  We have been together for several years and I have seen him grow in power and knowledge, but not height <really Roscoe...not very nice!! We are going to talk after this...>  He smells of rainwater and fresh leaves...I enjoy his company and were a good team even before TMH.  He calls upon nature to defeat our foes...lightning, fire, wind, plants, water, and even other animals...I will protect my companion without question and will sink my teeth into anyone that wishes ill-will towards Osborne.  Grrrrrrrrrr....<now he is all worked up>

The further adventures of TMH will be interesting and I will be looking for a tasty snack...the evil that is around had better beware. HOWWWWWWWLLLLLLL!  <so yes he went there>

Well after all of that...I have sent Roscoe out hunting so I can detail some of the feats and exploits of the "merry" band of adventurers called Team Murder Hobo.

First a little about me...I am a clan member of the, Topplepeaks, small in stature but huge in heart .  I grew up in the mines near the Kron Hills and as I grew up I knew I hated mining, living underground and interacting with fellow clanmates that never took me seriously.  When I was a small boy I found my way to the surface to find out what this sun, that I had heard so much about, looked like.  While I was stumbling around in the bright light that dazzled me I walked onto a kindly man that seemed one with nature.

He greeted me and helped me get accustomed to the sun's bright light.  Introducing himself as Allanon, speaking to me of nature and the balance of the world.  Land - sea, water - earth, good - evil, light - dark...all have a purpose and reason to exist.

Over the years he taught me the ways of nature, and how to call upon it's overwhelming power to conjure and create.  He also taught me that nature has a deep and dark side that if controlled can cause great destruction and pestilence. He has since moved on, needed elsewhere...but his spirit lives in me and helps me keep me in balance. Allanon is the reason I am who I am today...Obad Hai be praised!

This group that I have joined though mired in conflict among themselves provides a necessary role to bring balance to the area and help nature have equilibrium.  Evil is moving and TMH is moving against it...in our own way...even though so many in the area turn a blind eye to the looming danger.

Along the way we have explored a moathouse, dungeons and traveled far distances (as anywhere is far for a Topplepeak).  The Team has had to dispatch or destroy undead (thank you Elspeth), foul gnolls, floating brains that particularly liked the rogue, hook-horrors, demons, nefarious humans, trolls and even a mighty blue dragon (the wizard and I were instrumental in it's demise...)

Wearing the teeth and claws of my enemies to show the world my fearless and dangerous nature...I move along with my teammates and companion, Roscoe, as a champion of nature and a disciple of Obad Hai, the mighty god of nature.  Allanon where ever you are I hope I make you proud and hope to bring balance to the world as you did so many years ago.

This will be my daily account of the movement and actions of TMH, with asides and comments made by my faithful and greatest friend, Roscoe.

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