Dhaos' Story

July 19th 0082
           Kiyoko told me it would be a good idea to log my journey...I agree with her. I will start from the beginning. I awoke in what seemed to be a dark void--which I later learned was Kiyoko's doing. I had no memory of myself or my past. I was a man without a name, without a home, or background. I was a blank slate; Tabula Rasa in a literal sense. But luckily, Kiyoko was there to guide me. She is a fearsome woman, more powerful than any foe I've ever met, surrounded by darkness. Though the darkness held no malice. It was warm and gentle, just like her. She gave me my name. She called me Dhaos, and told me she had named me after a man who led a tragic life and died for the sake of saving his world. He became a villain in one world to save another. His tale was a noble one, but there's no time, nor enough room in this book to write about it here.
           She named me Dhaos because she said I look just like the man from the tale...and she told me I have just as much of a tragic tale ahead of me as he had... I did not know what to think of this...but I was frightened and otherwise alone. I followed her as she instructed me to and listened to what she had to say. She told me she has the ability to cross over to other worlds and even send other people or things to these other worlds. I wouldn't have believed her if it weren't for the situation I find myself in now. She led me to a woman—a Kitsune—with the tail—or rather, tails, she has nine of them—and ears of a fox. This woman was strikingly beautiful, and knew powerful magic. She taught me some of what I know now. I have her to thank for the magic I'm capable of casting, and Kiyoko to thank for my skills with a sword.
           After spending several days training under them, Kiyoko came to me and told me something had happened. She told me she felt a dark aura inside of me. She told me...that I was to become the next Dark King... She had told me the tale of the man named Lethe who had fought The Dark King who sought to rule over the multiverse. The Dark King started out as what she called a Guardian; a man from another world that was meant to protect that world from the evils that lurked in it. But he became corrupt and obsessed with power. The Dark King killed thousands...oppressed millions...he controlled people's hearts and minds, forcing them to obey him if they would not submit to him. It took many Guardians, including Lethe, working together to bring him down...
I don't want to believe it...I don't want to be like that man...I don't want to be the evil of this world... I must stop here tonight... My tale goes farther, but my hand is weary. I need to sleep...Ayla also says I need to eat... My story will continue at a later time.

July 21st 0082
           Ayla and I have made camp for the evening, and I have once again found the time to continue my tale. To save time, I only detail the important things. In short, what Kiyoko sensed—the aura that she claimed belonged to The Dark King—was not emanating from me, but was rather possessing me. It made itself manifest in the form of a terrible demon. It was in the form of man, only it was black, like a shadow and had six wings at its back. Its fingers were like claws, and its eyes were a piercing red.
           Using my sword and magic, I managed to chase the creature off, but it fled to another world using the same power that belongs to Kiyoko. Kiyoko told me that the demon I faced felt malicious and powerful, just like The Dark King... I felt it too... Kiyoko said that now that she could sense my true aura, that it was far more gentle and bright than what she had previously sensed. That put my mind at ease. But she called me The Gold King, claiming my aura was gold. Can she see something I can't? I believe she spoke in jest, but her expression was serious when she told me that I was like The Dark King's opposite. I don't know what that means. I am not like The Touched—those born with special abilities or that control weapons with strange power.

          Kiyoko asked me to follow the demon. I accepted. There's no way I will allow such a thing to plague other worlds. There's no way I will allow another being like The Dark King to rise after hearing his tale. Kiyoko gave me new garbs for my journey, and a bangle that would allow me to follow the demon to other worlds. But Kita would not allow me to go alone. She told me she would find me a traveling companion.

July 22nd 0082
           The traveling companion Kita spoke of was her daughter, Ayla. She too is a Kitsune with nine tails. The number of their tails is a sign of their power, and nine is the most one can have. Thus far I have been thankful for Ayla on my journey. Not only would this quest have been lonely without her, I fear I would never be able to defeat the demon without help...
           Together we have traveled to many worlds and seen many things; many dark creatures and demons. But we have yet to find and kill that demon with The Dark King's aura... How much longer will we have to chase this beast?

           After a rather sudden and surprising encounter with the demon we have been chasing, Ayla and I attempted to defeat it the other day...but we lost. We were thrown—banished—into another world. I don't know if the demon lurks in this strange world, but we must search for it. I don't know where we are, but I must search for someone, anyone that knows anything about the demon I've come to call Azroth.
          I have taken the form of one of this world's elven folk to better fit in, with the help of Ayla's power, and Ayla has taken the form of a fox, not wanting to be found out what she truly is by others. This place looks similar to the world where I met Kiyoko and Kita. Magic is used in this world as well, making things easier for me. I see a group of travelers approaching... I will ask them if they know anything about what I am searching for, and if they turn out to be enemies...then we will dispose of them. But I don't believe that will be necessary...I seem to have learned to sense this aura Kiyoko constantly spoke of...and these people have a gentle one.

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