Deep Thoughts by Ulfgar Ungart

ULFGAAAAAR UNGART is my name and I am a master of the arcane arts. But I'm just as quick with my axe, and nearly as deadly. Herein lies the tales of my bravery and fortitude, read and be amazed. As a descendant of the mighty UNGART clan, I have much to prove to my father. I must show that I am in fact worthy of my name and my beard. So I have come out of the mountains to seek adventure and bring honor to the clan.

As is customary for Dwarfs, I have received some martial training. But I was not satisfied with that alone and delved into the world of arcane mysteries. Because of my studies I was selected to begin training for a position few attain and many respect. I was to be a Runesmith, a master of sword and sorcery. I will shape the battles to come like my people shape metal and stone. 

I began my journey by heading into the town of Hommlet. There i spent some time putting my armorsmithing and stoneworking to good use. It wasnt before long that a member of the town guard, a Thorian Jotuun approached me and several others to help him investigate a growing concern.

It was through him that i met Crugeon Darkeyes (a most suspicious fellow) and Osborn Topplepeak (very small, but a powerful spellcaster) and his companion Roscoe. We were hired to investigate some sightings of strange men in cloaks on the roads. We set off the next day to begin our investigation We headed towards the unused moat house that lies in ruin to start. 

As we approached the moat house, a tremendous frog was our first foe. An easy enemy to battle compared to what we faced further on.

 But it was nothing compared to the horror that flew from the sky. A Blue Dragon had taken up residence in the moat house.  As we entered the court yard, the winged horror flew down and our battle began. As our Fighter and Rogue entered physical combat, it was the spell casters that really led the way to victory. I unleashed a bolt of energy, draining the Dragon of its strength as our Druid cast a spell that poisoned him. This allowed our fighter, who was seriously hurt by the dragon, to finish the beast off. As we inspected the court yard, there were three bodies. One had robes and a stone mask on. What was most curious was what we took to be his holy symbol. A black circle with an inverted yellow Y. 

As we made our way into the moat house, the Rogue scouted a head, encountering a giant ooze. The fighter lost his axe to the giant ooze, but in the end we were successful in destroying it.

After some further exploring, we began our descent into the lower portions of the moat house.Making our way down the stairs we were surprised by two gnolls, laying in wait for us. They sprung out from around the corner, taking the rogue by surprise. By as they were simple beastmen, we quickly dispatched one and captured the other bleeding monster. After getting some information from him, I did what the requires of me and sent him to meet his ancestors. I felt it was the merciful thing to do, instead of leaving him tied up to bleed out slowly. The fighter did not agree with me, reaching out and striking me, saying that all evil can be turned to the side of good. How dare he, a fellow Dwarf striking me. Moradin will see to his punishment. I will know when not to aid him in battle and see how Moradin judges him.

The other sections contained nasty undead things. There was no real threat, although the Rogue seemed a bit pale and sickened . Hopefully this is not a sign  of things to come.  We sent the Rogue ahead again, and he came upon a room that was lit with candles and an evil Cleric in the middle of what I assume to be some sort of evil sacrament. With the battle in swing, we tried to enter the room as quickly as possible to help our rogue. The Cleric summoned more undead to aid her in battle and cast a spell that sent the fighter running. He quickly returned to battle and cornered the evil cleric, demanding her surrender.....wait, no he didnt. He killed her outright. So much for turning evil to good. With out the cleric, the undead were dispatched with no problem.  

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