Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Ghost Town of Nulb

Dark and disgusting, the deserted hamlet next to the Imeryds Run seems a direct counterpoint to the lovely Hommlet. The structures are made of sod, mud bricks, crude logs, or used timber - probably taken from boats or other buildings. Many of them are collapsed. All are overgrown with vegetation, the woods swallowing up the filthy, foul place as if it never existed.
    Nulb was a disreputable settlement that grew along with the Temple of Elemental Evil. While not every villager was thoroughly evil, Nulb's livelyhood was. The village thrived on traffic to and from the temple, supplying needed goods and services. It was a nasty, unseemly business.
    With the second fall of the Temple of Elemental Evil, Nulb's trade quickly dried up. Almost overnight, the populace left behind this ghost town of ramshackle buildings. 
    No matter the time of year, it is always windy and overcast or rainy/sleeting in the ruins of Nulb. The sun never seems to shine here.

Important People

Lareth the Beautiful - Scarred and full of spite and the hunger for revenge, this former leader of the forces of the Moathouse lives here alone among the undead of Nulb.

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