Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Hamlet of Rastor

More than an eight day ride through the Kron Hills, to the west of Hommlet and at the end of the road into the Lortmil Mountains, if you can even call it that, stands a small hamlet of roughly 120 citizens. The road into town loops back on itself to form a circle, with some low standing earth and stone buildings around its outside and a collection of small to medium sized tents and other free standing structures in loose clusters in the center of town. It doesn't take one long to realize the population of Rastor is an odd mix. Though mostly human and dwarven, a fair number of orcs and half orcs are counted among the populace. At the western most portion of town two paths diverge into the mountains. To the northwest 9 miles away lies the Crater Ridge Mines; to the southwest, 3 miles away is the Gro'Brelosh orc camp who are on friendly terms with the population of the town.

Important People in Rastor

Rerrid Hammersong - Town elder and Cleric of Moradin. Maintains the Temple to Moradin in town and acts as town leader and adviser.
Thandain Deeperdark - No actual title, but very well respected. Acts as fellow leader and adviser in times of need.
Tymerian - Town arcanist, who sells and casts spells for the benefit of the town. Was an adventurer whose party was devastated by the lightning towers in an attempt to fly over the Stalagos in the Crater Ridge Mine complex and eventually captured. She escaped and has lived in Rastor ever since. 
Jardeth - Acts as a constable of sorts. Very loyal to Rerrid.
Tunraug Urkart - The local blacksmith.
Yarew - Owner and bartender at the local inn, the Gray Lodge. Two women help with meal preparation and upkeep.
Verg and Unaret - Main go betweens from orc camp to the south west.
Tal Chammish - Go-between for Temple of All Consumption and tanbrosh dealer.

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