Saturday, August 9, 2014

The Player Characters

Team Murder Hobo

Crugeon Darkeyes

A tiefling blooded rogue and all around squishy guy. Served as an informant for the Hommlet guard.


A wood elf fighter found in a tavern in Hommlet. Joined the group to replace Thorian Jotuun on the front line.


An aasimar blooded Cleric of Pelor who is ignorant of all things undead. Met in the Moathouse dungeon.

Osborne Topplepeak

A deep halfling druid and his wolf Rosco. Recruited into the group in Hommlet to keep balance.
Osborne's deepest thoughts and caffeine induced musings can be found  over here.

Ulfgar Ungart

A dwarven runesmith wizard. Also recruited in Hommlet for his knowledge and skill.
Ulfgar's journal and thoughts can be found right over here.


An elven wizard, also proficient with a longsword. Dhaos' story can be found right here.

Thorian Jotuun

A guardsman in Hommlet who formed the group to investigate cult activity in the area surrounding Hommlet. Since returning to town from the Moathouse, Thorian has since returned to his duties in the town.

Character Sheets are available here:

The Town of Hommlet

Hommlet and Surroundings

Ten leagues south of the large and well established city of Verbobonc, within the Kron Hills that lie east of the Lortmil Mountains and just west of the Gnarley forest, nestles a small settlement with a long and dark history. This unremarkable village, called Hommlet, witnessed the growth of one of the greatest centers of corruption the world would ever know: the Temple of Elemental Evil.

    Hommlet is a small town with a population of just under one thousand. Only twelve years ago it was a hamlet of around one hundred people, although even then most folk referred to it as a village. Since that time, the town has enjoyed unprecedented peace and prosperity.
    The town is not ruled by a mayor or a town council, as many others are. Instead, two ex-adventurers called Rufus and Burne have been granted control of Hommlet and its lands by the viscount of Verbobonc. Not many people in the town look at it that way, however. Most folks simply see the two men as the town 'elders', giving them the respect they have earned. Few grumble when it comes time to pay their taxes to the two lords. Most everyone appreciates the protection Rufus and Burne's soldiers provide, as well as the role the two played in the downfall of the original Temple of Elemental Evil (and the threats they have overcome to protect the town since then).
    In such a small town, nothing costing more than 800gp commonly can be found for purchase. Exceptions exist, of course - the Curch of St. Cuthbert might have an extra suit of full plate to sell brave heroes who obviously fight against evil, for example. Such exceptions should be rare.
    Above all, Hommlet is a peaceful, contented place. Its people are well fed, safe, and happy wih their lot. However, they are wary, for their happiness has been threatened more than once in the past. The people, particularly those who have lived in town a long time, watch with interest the comings and goings of suspicious strangers, and they keep an eye on the old moathouse and temple that were sites of not one but two malevolent insurgencies over the years.

Important People in Hommlet

Canonness Y'dey - Head of the Church of St. Cuthbert
Yether the Keen - Head of the Church of Pelor
Ostler Gundigoot - Proprietor of the Inn of the Welcome Wench
Terrigan - Proprietor of Terrigan's bar, and competition to the Inn
Joman Dart - Runs the Trading Post
Todariche Nem - Town Scholar
Zerosh Nubric - Scrollmaker
Spugnoir - Potion maker
Jaroo - Keeper of the Grove (missing)
Elmo - Head of town guard
Rufus and Burne - Town leaders


Once this area was simply a gentle wilderness. Growing out of a small collection of farmhouses and a roadside shelter, Hommlet expanded quickly. Prosperity came naturally to the fertile land, as herders, farmers, hunters, trappers, and woodcutters made the growing hamlet their home. The town was built on a crossroads between Verbobonc and the Wild Coast, so visitors were frequent. Eventually, these visitors brought trouble.
    Brigands and other evil humanoids have been a bane to Hommlet for years. Eventually, thieves, cutthroats, orcs, and even more sinister forces created a settlement of their own - Nulb. That hamlet was frequented not only by the most evil of people, but also monsters and beasts as well. A chapel dedicated to vice and damnation grew nearby, with increasingly vile creatures coming to worship foul deities there. In time, this chapel became the Temple of Elemental Evil, filled with dark priests and their wicked servants.
    While that first temple reigned, the lands around Hommlet grew dark with violence and pestilence. As their power increased, the temple clerics built a small keep, known as the moathouse, not far from Hommlet. From this base they planned to launch raids and secure their fortunes in the west. Fortunately for Hommlet, those who commanded the temple were not overly concerned with the village but with more powerful strongholds to the north. When their corruption spread, it drew the attention of armies the temple was not yet prepared to deal with.
    Forces from the north attacked the temple, some using Hommlet as a base and a point for resupply and rest. When the temple fell, folk in Hommlet saw ochre robed priests fleeing westward and rejoiced that the evil was gone.
    Two men involved with the fall of the original temple, Rufus and Burne, settled in Hommlet and built a tower. Their connections with the lord of Verbobonc to the north were well known, as were their plans to expand their tower into a large keep. The town prospered once again.
    But evil was not done with the Temple of Elemental Evil. Slowly, over the years, its creatures and servants returned to the place and brought with them the taint of evil that hung like a shadow over Hommlet a second time. This time, however, the inhabitants of Hommlet chose to get involved. A young man named Elmo and his brother Otis worked with Canoness Y'dey of the Church of St. Cuthbert to spy on the temple's activities. They helped small bands of adventurers overcome the evil cleric in the moathouse and the more powerful foesin the temple - not the least of which was a demon lord who was eventually banished back to the Abyss. This time, the dungeons beneath the temple were collapsed, and it appeared that the place was finally overcome.
    In the years that followed, the town prospered as never before. With the temple and Hommlet on the lips of many throughout the countryside, the former hamlet grew into a village and eventually a small town. Burne and Rufus finished their keep and were granted the town and the lands around it to protect and nurture. More churches sprang up to serve the needs of the growing population, and some are even talking now of building a wall around the town.

The Moathouse

Now a ruined keep of small size the moathouse has an exciting history of battles and monsters. It lies approximately 10 miles east of Hommlet, on the road toward the deserted town of Nulb. An overgrown and rugged path two miles long leads off the main road to the moathouse itself.

Moathouse History

When the Temple of Elemental Evil was built, this keep arose at the point where the evil influence reached farthest west. Building it was a great deal of work, because the area was wet and unstable. The builders had to drain the surrounding lands and dig down to the limestone to build a foundation (once they did, they allowed the water to return, channeling it into a moat around the fortress). The construction crews complained and whined, 'Why here?'
    The reason is that this fortress is over the site of an ancient shrine to Tharizdun. In time-lost days, clerics of the Dark God erected a great obelisk within a natural cave in an attempt to commune with their deity. When Tharizdun was imprisoned, they sealed the cave and diverted a minor underground stream so that even if the top of the shaft leading down to the cave were discovered, it would appear to be a pool.
    The original master of the place was a cultist of the Dark God named Noustan. Posing as a cleric of Zuggtmoy, he compelled the forces of evil to build here. The moathouse served its purpose, but each time the forces of good struggled against Elemental Evil, this outpost was the first to fall. The first time, when the moathouse was still new, a piched battle between two sizeable forces tore gaping holes in the walls, destroying the mostly wooden second story of the main structure, and the place was looted. The second time, as the temple was rebuilding itself, a particularly devious and vile cleric named Lareth the Beautiful took control of the moathouse. Lareth commanded a small number of troops, mostly humans and bugbears, who occupied only the dungeon of the moathouse. Shrewd and opportunistic, Lareth professed to serve both Lolth and Zuggtmoy at various times but was actually a cleric of Tharizdun. He and his servants were slain by the small band of local heroes who helped defeat the temple, with the aid of locals such as Y'dey and Elmo.
    Since then, the moathouse has fallen into even worse condition, and the dungeon has been relatively quiet - except for the ghouls and ghasts. These horrors seem to always be present, no matter how many are destoyed (this is due to the influence of Tharizdun's shrine, but no one knows that). Occaisionally Elmo comes out to the place, just to make sure all is quiet, and Spugnoir explores a few rooms in the dungeon from time to time, looking for magical treasure rumored to belong to Lareth. Over the years, even a few groups of adventurers have stopped by, but they always report what everyone else does - nothing new stirs in the moathouse.
    Until now.

The Ghost Town of Nulb

Dark and disgusting, the deserted hamlet next to the Imeryds Run seems a direct counterpoint to the lovely Hommlet. The structures are made of sod, mud bricks, crude logs, or used timber - probably taken from boats or other buildings. Many of them are collapsed. All are overgrown with vegetation, the woods swallowing up the filthy, foul place as if it never existed.
    Nulb was a disreputable settlement that grew along with the Temple of Elemental Evil. While not every villager was thoroughly evil, Nulb's livelyhood was. The village thrived on traffic to and from the temple, supplying needed goods and services. It was a nasty, unseemly business.
    With the second fall of the Temple of Elemental Evil, Nulb's trade quickly dried up. Almost overnight, the populace left behind this ghost town of ramshackle buildings. 
    No matter the time of year, it is always windy and overcast or rainy/sleeting in the ruins of Nulb. The sun never seems to shine here.

Important People

Lareth the Beautiful - Scarred and full of spite and the hunger for revenge, this former leader of the forces of the Moathouse lives here alone among the undead of Nulb.

The Hamlet of Rastor

More than an eight day ride through the Kron Hills, to the west of Hommlet and at the end of the road into the Lortmil Mountains, if you can even call it that, stands a small hamlet of roughly 120 citizens. The road into town loops back on itself to form a circle, with some low standing earth and stone buildings around its outside and a collection of small to medium sized tents and other free standing structures in loose clusters in the center of town. It doesn't take one long to realize the population of Rastor is an odd mix. Though mostly human and dwarven, a fair number of orcs and half orcs are counted among the populace. At the western most portion of town two paths diverge into the mountains. To the northwest 9 miles away lies the Crater Ridge Mines; to the southwest, 3 miles away is the Gro'Brelosh orc camp who are on friendly terms with the population of the town.

Important People in Rastor

Rerrid Hammersong - Town elder and Cleric of Moradin. Maintains the Temple to Moradin in town and acts as town leader and adviser.
Thandain Deeperdark - No actual title, but very well respected. Acts as fellow leader and adviser in times of need.
Tymerian - Town arcanist, who sells and casts spells for the benefit of the town. Was an adventurer whose party was devastated by the lightning towers in an attempt to fly over the Stalagos in the Crater Ridge Mine complex and eventually captured. She escaped and has lived in Rastor ever since. 
Jardeth - Acts as a constable of sorts. Very loyal to Rerrid.
Tunraug Urkart - The local blacksmith.
Yarew - Owner and bartender at the local inn, the Gray Lodge. Two women help with meal preparation and upkeep.
Verg and Unaret - Main go betweens from orc camp to the south west.
Tal Chammish - Go-between for Temple of All Consumption and tanbrosh dealer.